About Lise Brenner
Consulting and Facilitation
Amsterdam (NL) and New York City (USA)
Lise Brenner is an internationally-active facilitator, communications strategist and artist who has been playing with language for one reason or another since she was 5 and decided to write a poem about geese (later immortalized when it was batiked and framed for Grandma).
For Lise, communication is serious fun. She has spent her life navigating between art and performance making and corporate and non-profit management – touching down in legal, medical, education, communications and development along the way. She’s driven to discover what makes people, places and organizations tick, asking questions, confirming the answers, and translating jargon for general consumption. Her goal is saying what needs to be said to those who need to hear it in ways they will not only understand but embrace.
Whether she is coaching, writing, making art or performance, or facilitating cross-functional teams, her approach is non-judgmental and constructive. She helps each client find the communications solution that is most particularly their own, whether that is an organizational-wide assessment and analysis, a white paper or report, or something more out of the box like a walking tour, interactive performance, or facilitated creativity intensive.
To see more of Lise’s art and performance work, visit www.lisebrennercreative.com
For samples, testimonials and more re writing, see: www.lisebrennerwriter.naiwe.com
“Lise Brenner Enterprises is here to facilitate your creativity, help you tell your most real and compelling story, and move your audiences to engage with your world.”